ABC Connect Courses

Online Term Dates

  • Fall 2024: August 27 – December 18 (Register by Sept. 3)
  • Spring 2025: January 14 – May 3 (Register by Jan. 21)
  • Summer 2025: May 5 – August 15 (Register by May 12)

Online Courses

BI161 - Survey of the Old Testament (2 Credit Hours) Course Info

BI162 - Survey of the New Testament (2 Credit Hours) Course Info

BI163 - Principles of Bible Interpretation (3 Credit Hours) Course Info

BI164 - Matthew – Acts (3 Credit Hours) Course Info

BI253 - Genesis – Deuteronomy (3 Credit Hours) Course Info

BI258 - Joshua – Esther (3 Credit Hours) Course Info

BI355 - Paul's Letters I (3 Credit Hours) Course Info

BI356 - Paul's Letters II (3 Credit Hours) Course Info

CS052 - Practical Christian Service Course Info

HI255 - History of Western Civilization (3 Credit Hours) Course Info

IT258 - Applied Technology/Computer Applications I (1 Credit Hour) Course Info

IT259 - Applied Technology/Computer Applications II (1 Credit Hour) Course Info

LA155 - English Composition I (3 Credit Hours) Course Info

LA156 - English Composition II (3 Credit Hours) Course Info

LA253 - Cross-Cultural Communications (2 Credit Hours) Course Info

MI155 - Biblical Theology of Missions (2 Credit Hours) Course Info

PE152 - Health (1 Credit Hours) Course Info

PE251 - Aerobics (1 Credit Hour) Course Info

PS157 - Success Seminar (1 Credit Hour) Course Info

PT153 - Foundations of Ministry (3 Credit Hours) Course Info

PT154 - Personal Evangelism and Discipleship (3 Credit Hours) Course Info

PT459 - Biblical Thinking & Worldview (3 Credit Hours) Course Info

SO250 - Introduction to Sociology (3 Credit Hours) Course Info

TH255 - Doctrine I (3 Credit Hours) Course Info

TH256 - Doctrine II: God, Christ, Holy Spirit & Angels (3 Credit Hours) Course Info

TH358 - Doctrine 4: Church & Last Things (3 Credit Hours) Course Info

What's Next?

Something BIG is coming to ABC