October 3–4, 2024

Planted to Flourish

Psalm 92:13-14 says, “Those that be planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God. They shall still bring forth fruit in old age; the shall be fat and flourishing.” These verses will serve as the focus of our theme for Homecoming this year, “Planted to Flourish.”

Alumni speakers will featured during our three sessions: Wesley Rinehart (2019), Brian Kelly (1999), and Michael Bender (1974). We're also planning fun times of fellowship, the Celebration Dinner, and of course the Blue/Grey soccer and volleyball games.

There will be fun and encouraging sessions for your little ones, kids, and teens as well, so bring the whole family! More information and schedules will be posted soon. Please note: any attendees who register after September 23 will not be featured on the attendee list placed in the information folders for guests.


Homecoming Registration Individual Couple Children
Thurs. & Fri.
Includes Thur. Dinner, Fri. B'fast & Lunch, Alumni Connections,
Celebration Dinner and Activities
$46 $80 Ages 4+
$10 each
Friday Only
Includes Fri. Lunch, Celebration
Dinner and Activities
$34 $59
Celebration Dinner Only $24 $42
Campus Lodging $35 per night

10% Off Alumni Association Members receive 10% off their registration & lodging!

If eating any meals not included in the Homecoming schedule (Thursday dinner through Friday dinner), the cost is $8.75 for breakfast, $9.75 for lunch, and $11.50 for dinner.

ABC Homecoming Attendees


  • Limited campus lodging is available at the Alpine Lodge. Availability is on a first-register, first-served basis. Note: first floor rooms are now full. (If you stay before the evening of Oct. 2 or after Oct. 5, the lodging increases to normal prices. See pricing here.)
  • The Alpine Cabins are also available for larger families and groups.
  • Nearby accommodations can be made at local hotels.

Come early or stay late at normal Lodge rates. Whether you want to just relax, spend some extra time with friends, raft the Gauley River, or attend the Ladies Fall Luncheon on Saturday, you can come a day early or stay a day later.

Alumni are offered a half-price discount on Gauley River whitewater rafting on Saturday! Raft the Lower Gauley for just $60, the Uppers for $70, or a Gauley Marathon for $100. Call Alpine Lodge to reserve your spot: 800-806-2180.

ABC Blue/Grey Soccer

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Something BIG is coming to ABC